Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Performance art

Final Performance Art,
Many thanks to Amy Chang, I don't know many people who'd agree to be covered in paint with me.



Sinthu said...

loved it :) thanks for uploading and sharing. Out of curiosity, did you perform this live for your class or did you show the recording? any possible springfest performances? ;)

Lenny said...

I sat with a laptop in front of me in the paint splattered clothes and showed them the recording.

Hahaha possibly, if mr. ball wants me to and if I find another volunteer to help me with it.
(I doubt Amy will ever want to do it again).
Also, need to find a paint that is actually washable.

Sinthu said...

maybe you can try something organic, like mud?

Lenny said...

LOL mud shouldn't be that hard to come by if today's weather is any indication.

Hmmm possibly