Friday, October 30, 2009

R-Day, my week, and kittens

My media arts remembrance day poster work in progress. 

There hasn't been much art posting from me lately mostly because I find it remarkably hard to find time to do things that I'd like to do instead of need to do. 
This entire week was horribly tiring, I don't know how I'm still alive, seriously. 

Monday was alright, first real day back to TKD with no injuries, so I enjoyed that greatly. Private lesson! That was unexpected but kind of nice. If not quiet. Really quiet. 

Tuesday was HELL. I have no other words to describe it. Swim practice first thing in the morning, followed by school, a fire drill, then guitar and TKD. Only 3 people showed up to TKD. What is this, early hibernation?

Wednesday I headed off to Value Village with a few friends to look for remaining Halloween costume pieces. Didn't actually end up finding anything, instead we went out to eat and then I went to TKD. Deserted as this entire week has been. 

Yesterday was pretty hectic too. Swim practice after school, and then I dashed off to the TKD Halloween party since I promised to come help out. I didn't actually manage to get there on time but hey, I tried. Then took the class and went home to collapse in front of my computer and read Bridget Jones' Diary.

I'm looking around the internet for anyone giving away free kittens, since I'm looking for one now. Preferably male, but it doesn't need to be. Kittens please, no cats. If you have any info that could be of use to me please comment :]



Sinthu said...

That is very striking (Remembrance Day Piece)

- You can check craiglist but be weary on that site!

Lenny said...

Thanks :]
I'll put up the final soon, but I still like the graphic more than the text version.

I did I did, but god I don't have the time to sift through all the posts.
I emailed something like 5 people from Kijiji and am pretty much just waiting for a response.