Wednesday, November 17, 2010

1 2 3

Here's a breakdown so far:

1. Art stuff
I've been drawing like a MANIAC. I honestly haven't been this productive in years, and yet I have nothing to show you. D:
I swear I'll scan some sketchbook pages and throw them up here eventually but not yet.
Goddamn portfolios.

My Maori-inspired oil painting which turned out better than I thought it would.

2. Harel Skaat

I can listen to you FOREVER.

3. Everything else.
Life's been... ok.

Evening out as of late.
Which is nice, definitely.

Comic is on indefinite hiatus. At least till I get into art school.




Sinthu said...

You never fail to amaze me with your art posts.maori culture is also very interesting

Lenny said...

I honestly think that my interest in Maori culture started with the movie Atlantis haha

Thank you!

Sinthu said...

i have a book by a maori author if you're ever interested in reading it.. i haven't read it yet but apparently is good. :) and wow i actually haven't watched that.. i shall this break.

Lenny said...

Oh man I need to start reading more, that's my goal this break haha

Sinthu said...

me too! When does your break start? We must hang out!

Lenny said...

My break starts right after school ends tomorrow.

Yeah we haven't hung out in FOREVER!