Saturday, October 9, 2010


1. Nuit Blanche

Alright, I may not be the biggest art geek in any respect, and modern art has never particularly been my cup of tea, but I LOVE Nuit Blanche, and this year it did not disappoint.

Modern art reminds me of an Andy Warhol quote that my friend purchased a print of in New York City that I think went something like "Art is anything you can get away with". Feel free to correct me on that.

It's always weird, it's always cold, it's always liberating and giddy and ARTISTIC.
Maybe not always in all the right ways, but spending time with friends has never been a bad thing.

2. Knitting.

I don't enjoy knitting in any strict sense. But art class is forcing it on me and I've realized that hating it just makes it even more painful.
My knitting is also lumpy and uneven and no amount of practice seems to be able to remedy that.

That's all for now,


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