Sunday, June 27, 2010

Equation of a Sewing Project

Three parts cheap fabric you find on sale at Fabric Land eye-searingly rendered in sketchy quality flash photography.

One part interfacing, a pinch of pins, a dash on needles, and fabric scissors to taste.

3/4 cups full of planning and measuring.

Ice with cheapo fabric on sale at Fabric Land that will one day be transformed into a summer dress. Fabric should be a middle ground between the above photograph, with flash.

Or this one without.

Hope you all are enjoying your summer, because I know I am :]




Sinthu said...

can't wait to see the final outcome! Is the dress gonna use all the fabrics you posted?

Lenny said...

the first 3 are for the skirt I'm making

If that turns out okay, I will attempt the dress with the last fabric.

I'll post pictures when I'm done haha