Sunday, October 4, 2009

Nuit Blanche 2009

Because you couldn't have possibly expected an art geek like me to miss out on something like this, could you?
I didn't get too many pictures, but here's what I did get.

A puddle of vodka. My Eastern European ancestry enjoyed this immensely, though I probably will never understand contemporary art.


The description said that when you moved in the marked off squares in certain ways, it set off different sounds. I think it was a social experiment to see how long you can make random people flail and jump around while you have a CD blaring or random dings! :D

Hanging walkie talkies I think they were. Please excuse my photos of epic fail. Between the dark and my temperamental camera, I'm surprised you can make out any of this.

THIS WAS SO AWESOME. 10 port-a-potties lined up, each one had a different smell inside. I particularly enjoyed the Vanilla and the one that smelled like wet grass.

Not a piece of art was still awesome. Some guy painted himself like a statue and freaked the hell out of people when he moved.

Giant metallic bunny balloon.

I didn't get close enough since the line was huge, but there was some kind of blindfolded cage match going on.

Yuliya with one of the hockey statues.

LOL. Just LOL.
What I learned about nuit blanche was that my fingers almost froze off, it smelled like a mixture of weed, cigarette smoke and alcohol, and was one of the funnest nights of this year. My feet were killing me, but it was amazing.
Can't wait to go again next year.


Sinthu said...

did you get yoko ono pins?

Lenny said...

no LOL

Sinthu said...

lol... i wish i saw yoko ono and she sang for me.

the toilet exhibition is very funny

Lenny said...

I wish I could find the button from last year :(
I can't seem to find my "Art Matters" one either


Sinthu said...

oh damn lol they were from AGO when i was 17 ... 3 years ago? i used to have a bunch but I gave them all away :(