Saturday, August 8, 2009

ROAD TRIP: Part 2 - Kiptopeke State Park, Virginia

And so starts the long week that I spent in Virginia, camping and bored out of my mind for the most part.

A praying mantis that fell on the picnic table of the family we were camping with.

A horseshoe crab (dead of course)

A blue crab. Native to Chesapeke bay apparently. Ate a ton of these.

I have to give Virginia credit for it's amazing sunsets.

A ghost crab. Cutest things ever. Next to maybe my cat.

The beach :] On one of the most overcast days of the entire week

Obligatory picture of me in a bikini. Moving on.

LOL. A hermit crab

We caught a flounder with a crab trap. Now THAT'S skill.

An undersized sea bass that we let go

My mom on the pier.


Another sunset :]

AAAAAAAAAAAnd another one

One more for good luck.

Me in front of a sunset in a dress looking appropriately awkward.

Obligatory jumping pictures.

Hellen insists I look like Britney Spears. I have no idea if I should feel offended or not. I hate that.

My dad's personal fav. "I'm a pretty birdy!"

Last one folks.
It took me far too long to get these pictures up but I guess I've had no motivation as of late. For anything. Let's hope summer picks up and we actually end up going swimming like we planned. No more excitement life, thanks. I'm still recovering from that last curveball you threw.
Peace Out,
P.S. Saw "The Ugly Truth" on Friday and that was by far one of the best romantic comedies I've seen in a long time. It actually made me laugh. Watch it if you have the chance, because predictable it is, but it's still good.

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