Well happy almost birthday Alex. I took pity on you since you got kicked by Master D. Maybe I should draw more animals...
And my birthday being in about... 4 days not counting today, I'm getting pretty nervous.
And here are a few pictures that I spent too much time on, and yet don't like in the least.
This will probably end up being someone's birthday present. I don't even mind giving away the original. It's too pink, too unoriginal, and I ran out of marker ink for the background -___-' It's pieces such as these that make me question my worth as an artist/talentless hack. I'd like to think there's more point to my art than to draw pretty things.
But that's all I end up drawing x)
Ohhh and I got some legit marker paper, and holy crap I love that stuff. Unfortunately it's half-transparent, and looks a lot like vellum/tracing paper. But it's smooth, doesn't bleed and HOLY CRAP THE COLOURS. So totally worth it.
I'd never be able to do my normal technique of mixing watercolour, marker and pencil crayon though, his paper is designed for marker only.
I want more marker colours :(
TKD was fun today! I screwed up my ankle somehow and now it refuses to function properly, but all in the name of improvement right?
Peace Out,
This will probably end up being someone's birthday present. I don't even mind giving away the original. It's too pink, too unoriginal, and I ran out of marker ink for the background -___-' It's pieces such as these that make me question my worth as an artist/talentless hack. I'd like to think there's more point to my art than to draw pretty things.
But that's all I end up drawing x)
Ohhh and I got some legit marker paper, and holy crap I love that stuff. Unfortunately it's half-transparent, and looks a lot like vellum/tracing paper. But it's smooth, doesn't bleed and HOLY CRAP THE COLOURS. So totally worth it.
I'd never be able to do my normal technique of mixing watercolour, marker and pencil crayon though, his paper is designed for marker only.
I want more marker colours :(
TKD was fun today! I screwed up my ankle somehow and now it refuses to function properly, but all in the name of improvement right?
Peace Out,
Hey I love your drawings, and alex's card was so cute! OMG I'm so out of shape.. i also bashed my knees during mountain climbing. I need to do some extra makeup training or something to get into shape. Today's jam was pretty fun lol
Thanks :]
God I don't even know what it feels like to be in shape.
It was! We need to learn some songs and I need to learn how to sing louder, and we'll do it again!
Let's do it again this week, we can practice on you getting louder and me improving in everything else :) maybe i can learn how to play F chord
your new banner is pretty cool.. did you make it yourself?
It reminds me of rainbow fish (http://www.blisstree.com/files/366/2007/12/rainbowfishbook.jpg)
yeah sure this week sounds good. :)
Hahah yeah I cropped it from a bigger picture, http://loveondeathswings.deviantart.com/art/Piano-124373854
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