I am bored, more than anything else hahahahaha.
I feel horrible how my comic is like on hiatus.
until further notice anyway,
School is eating up my life,
and that's just uncool.
It's been project after project and that's just annoying.
Here's my media arts book cover for my comic BCM xD
yay for making a school project into a personal one!
Natasha and Sarah take the front cover this time, i'll probably churn out some more once I hit the 20 comic page mark.
PFFT. as if that would ever happen.
I started this in like late July, and I have 4 comic done XDDD fail.
In slightly less whiny news,
Tories won the election?
Minority government, as was expected .
Unfortunately, that sucks.
Hell they all suck,
I support the blue more than I support the rest of the self-righteous political atrocities that Canada calls parties.
If NDP can to power, I'm seriously consider leaving the country.
We've had enough bullshit to last us a lifetime Mr Layton.
Try focusing less on your moustache and more on your morals.
Hahahaha apparently the Bloc got more votes than the Greens. that makes me laaaaaaugh. and of course, Gilles Duceppe is freaking HILARIOUS.
he exists for the sole reason of irritating the hit out of the rest of the parties.
Political rant over.
I'm being self-righteous and opinionated because I have Civics this semester. It'll all be over soon my friends.
: D
Peace Out,
1 comment:
im still very jelous of your book cover!T-T
ToT so scared for civics......b/c I know nothing about politics...>.<
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